I can imagine if we were able to sit down and share our stories, there are parts that bring joy. At other times in the conversation, we might need to find the box of tissues. And of course, there are those parts that we are afraid to share with anyone. However, the lessons that are meant for us abound. Some lessons teach us to value what brings us joy. Then, there are the lessons that teach us to say no or not to accept certain behavior. My favorites are the lessons where a mirror is held up in front of us and shows us just how amazing we are. And the most difficult of all are the lessons that highlight the areas in ourselves that need to be improved, if we are willing. It is the application of these lessons that spark our personal growth.
Hopefully, none of us are the same person we were a decade ago. Are we even the same person we were a year ago? If you are, should you be? I urge you to consider what happens when growth stops.
I acknowledge my growth. I pray more. I pray about things I never thought to pray about before. I pray more because I realize and accept that I have none of the control that I believed I had. I value my feelings more because they are important. I believed I needed to hold back with the people I love the most. Saying yes when I should have said no, putting up with behavior that did not respect my time or my feelings. Can you imagine? Because I consider me (feelings and all), others are required to do the same. So, I speak up with love. More than ever before, I intentionally carve out time and space for me. I am learning to treat myself better. I consider my physical, spiritual and mental health as they are priorities now like never before.
The feelings, events or people that spur significant personal growth are often the opposite of beauty. And it is difficult to appreciate them in the moment. No one gets excited about loss, rejection, hurt or grief. Yet, when I consider my greatest moments of growth, these feelings were always present in the early stages if not the catalyst. These initial feelings are rarely anyone’s idea of beautiful. In fact, they are downright ugly. But when you come through! When you have worked your way through the difficult parts, you can see clearly how growth has changed you. And, hopefully, you can understand and appreciate that growth. Therein lies the beauty.
With Love,
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