Taking My Own Advice

Writing challenges are not my forte. I am consistently inconsistent, so I rarely participate. But today, I saw a prompt that caught my attention. The prompt asked me to write about a piece of advice I give to others but not currently applying to myself.  

Let me share a little secret. My superpower is being an educator. As an educator, my days are spent encouraging young people from diverse backgrounds. I am a firm believer that each of us possess a unique gift that the world needs. An inimitable gift. Even if someone else does something similar, your version is distinct because it belongs to only you. The world needs your gift. If we refuse to share that gift, somebody, somewhere is going to miss a valuable lesson that only your gift will allow you to teach. It comes from you. 

Daily, I find myself encouraging someone to pursue their passion, follow their dream, or simply take some time to figure out your gift. Some may discover their gift later in life. Some may find themselves pivoting from one path of discovery and development to a different one. Not everyone will have the opportunity to have their gift highlighted in front of large audiences. Everyone will not get paid to share their gift. What matters is that you discover, develop and distribute where you are needed. 

The writer who shared the prompt that caught my attention and reignited a spark in me had no idea what that would mean to me as I passed time scrolling through social media. There was no way for that person to know that I would think back to a time when blogging saved me. While blogging was therapeutic for me, it allowed others to identify commonalities in my wins and losses, my joys and sorrow. Blogging, at various times, allowed me to be the funny friend, the understanding friend, and the encouraging friend. 

I never stopped writing. I stopped sharing. Honestly, I am not sure why I chose to step away. More importantly, I have returned. How long can I continue to ask others to do what they cannot see me doing. The world understands that your actions speak louder than your words.

What does this mean? I am blogging again. I am writing for me. I am writing for the joy it gives. I am writing for the peace it brings.  I am writing to share my gift. I am writing to tell my story. I am writing for anyone who reads my words and finds joy and uplift. I am writing for anyone who reads my words and feel understood. 

I invite you to take this journey with me. I am writing about my faith, my failures, the funnies and my family. I am writing about the people I have met along the way and the notable interactions we have shared. Find some encouragement here. Then, go out and share your gift. Someone needs what you know. Someone needs to hear what you have to say. Someone needs what you can do. 

With Love,


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